

Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PI: E. Schinnerer).

High-resolution observations of nearby galaxies using i.a. HST, MUSE, ALMA, JWST. Main survey goal: Understand the interplay between small-scale physics and star formation with galactic structure and galaxy evolution. I am involved in MUSE and WFI data reduction and several scientific projects.


Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (PI: K. Bundy).

APO/BOSS IFU observations of ~10,000 nearby galaxies. I created the MaNGA Firefly Value-Added-Catalogue for the final DR17, a VAC of resolved stellar population parameters for all MaNGA galaxies. I was involved in multiple scientific papers.


Time Inference with MUSE in Extragalactic Rings (PI: D. Gadotti).

MUSE observations of 24 nearby barred galaxies. Main survey goal: Estimate the epoch when galactic discs dynamically settle. I am involved in multiple scientific papers.


The Close AGN Reference Survey (PI: B. Husemann).

Large multi-wavelength dataset of 40 Type-1 AGN host galaxies including MUSE, Chandra,

ALMA, VLA, SOFIA, HAWC+. Main survey goal: Establish a unique reference dataset for AGN host galaxies at low redshifts. I was involved in multiple scientific papers.


Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey (PI: S.F. Sánchez)

PMAS/PPak IFU observations of ~600 nearby galaxies. My master thesis and one first-author paper are based on CALIFA data.

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